Southern Exposure: Protecting Your Event From Heat

Jun 4, 2020

There’s nothing better for your outdoor business than the perfect sunny day. Crowds gather at fairs, festivals, starting lines, and cafe patios when the weather is warm and bright. Yet, too much heat can drive business away as customers find cooler temperatures inside. In some cases, extreme heat can make it dangerous to host an event above a certain temperature. As excessive heat becomes more common across the globe, it’s important to take precautions to protect your customers during your event.

What To Do About The Heat During Your Event

There’s great value in planning ahead in every aspect of your business, and the weather is one of the most important–and unpredictable–factors. If you’re concerned heat may be an uninvited guest, there are a few ways event planners can ensure attendees are comfortable and having fun while they beat the heat.

  • Plan around peak sun hours: The temperature is typically hottest at 3:00 pm. Think about scheduling your event after 5:00 pm when the heat dissipates, or early in the day before things have a chance to get too warm.
  • Keep them hydrated: Make sure you have plenty of cold beverages on hand for guests, like iced tea and water. Avoid sugary drinks like sodas and lemonade, which can dehydrate the body. Create hydration stations with large misters or industrial-sized fans.
  • Offer shade: Shade can offer up to 15 degrees of relief from the warm sun. Ask venues about their sun exposure during event hours and create spaces with tents, trees, or other items to give guests a place to relax.
  • Have a back-up plan: Outdoor spaces can create the perfect summer event, but the weather can be unpredictable. Make sure you have a contingency plan in case of excessive heat, rain, or other factors.
Can Weather Insurance Protect Against Excessive Heat?

Now that we know how to protect people from the weather, what about profits? Weather insurance helps financially protect you and your event or business from adverse weather conditions and is an essential part of a complete weather risk plan. A weather insurance policy from Vortex can prevent loss and minimize the financial impact of bad weather on your business. Depending on your event, you may need temperature insurance against excessive heat or cold, snow insurance, rain insurance, or a more creative policy. Weather protection falls into two categories: one-time events and long-term solutions. If you aren’t sure which length of coverage you need, contact us for help.

Weather can affect an event in multiple ways, and determining the right policy doesn’t have to feel complicated. Vortex creates a plan for your specific needs using historical weather data and expertise from meteorologists. Policy setup and activation are quick and easy.

How Does Temperature Insurance Work?

There are several types of temperature insurance, including daily maximum high and low temps and daily minimum high and low temps. Temperature thresholds are set together by the provider and purchaser based on geographical and historical data, helping you make an informed decision for your business. If the policy conditions are met–like the recorded air temperature reaches a set maximum during the day of your outdoor event–you receive payment with no additional documentation needed.

Our priority is the success of your business. We want you to feel confident in knowing if event cancellation insurance or weather insurance is right for your event–that’s why we’ve put together an easy-to-follow guide to compare the two.

Policies can cover lost ticket sales, concession and merchandise revenue dips, non-refundable deposits, and more. Only you know what’s right for your business and your budget, and we’ll share our data and expertise to help you determine how much coverage is best.

Weather can make or break your outdoor event. Build coverage that helps protect your bottom line against the negative effects of excess heat, rain, cold, or a combination of elements. Vortex makes it simple, straightforward, fast, and on your terms. You can’t predict the weather, but Vortex can help protect against it.