Weather Insurtech Insights: What You Should Be Asking Your Agent

Insurtech Insights

When it comes time to prepare weather insurance, you need a policy that truly fits your needs and maximizes value. Here are some weather insurtech insights on the key things you should ask your agent when planning a policy.

Most important questions to ask your agent when considering rain insurance:

Have you sold this insurance before?

When insuring an event against inclement weather, it is crucial that you work with a provider who has experience in handling this type of insurance. You need an underwriter who knows the field and can quickly get your policy expedited should it become active.

How are claims handled?

If you believe there has been a weather event that meets your policy, call us at 866-997-2469 within 30 days after your agreed upon time period in your policy to begin the claim process. We make it fast and easy. 

There are no forms you’ll have to file or any extended waiting period. Once you report the loss, claim payment will be determined using National Weather Service data or approved independent weather data as stated in your policy. With Vortex’s insurtech, it’s just that simple.

Listen to Eric Anderson, Director of National Sales for Golf, discuss Vortex’s claims process.

Who is the insurance company?/ What’s their financial rating?

It is important when choosing a weather insurance company that they are, in fact, able to pay out when a policy’s claim requirements are met. Vortex Insurance has a perfect track record of financial solvency and timely payments of eligible policies. The weather insurance products offered by Vortex are written on admitted paper by MSU, which has an AM Best rating of A+ (Superior).

Who measures the rain? Do I have options?

To determine the precipitation during the hours of your policy, we refer to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and entities such as the National Weather Service. Additionally, we also use measurements made by qualified independent weather observers.

Where is the rain measured?

Using advanced technology, Vortex can accurately and quickly register precipitation using a national grid that measures rainfall in 2.5 mile x 2.5 mile squares. You don’t need proof of income or attendance loss with rain insurance. We activate a rain insurance claim when the defined rainfall amount is recorded during the specified time. This amount is recorded and verified by an independent and localized source.

Contact Vortex for Comprehensive Weather Insurance!

At Vortex Weather Insurance, we know there is a lot that goes into planning any outdoor event. Careful planning can only go so far, though. Unexpected weather can appear out of nowhere. Don’t leave things to chance, have a weather insurtech company in your corner.

Get started with our virtual cost analysis tool or, if you prefer, give us a call or send a message and we can assist you in getting a quote. Our process is quick and easy!

Call us today for a free quote 

(866) 997–2469