Recently, traditional property insurance along coastal areas has made wind/hail coverage very tough for smaller businesses to acquire due to rising premiums and deductibles.
Vortex saw a need and created our supplemental hurricane business insurance to support small and mid-sized businesses along the Gulf and Atlantic Coasts. Our supplemental hurricane insurance policies are designed to help businesses fill uninsured gaps from their traditional property insurance to protect their revenue throughout the entirety of hurricane season.
How does parametric commercial hurricane insurance work?
Parametric insurance means the losses are predetermined, and claims use third-party data to determine payouts.
Fast Payouts
After your policy triggers, payouts are typically in your hands within just a couple of weeks.
Affordable Policies
You can build a policy that truly fits your company’s needs and budget. Many traditional property insurance premiums have increased and typically include costly uninsured gaps due to sizable deductibles and other policy exclusions.
Long-Lasting Coverage
Once purchased, there’s a 30-day waiting period, and then our coverage lasts all year round— not just during hurricane season.
No Proof of Loss or Damage
Vortex hurricane coverage is parametric, meaning the losses are predetermined. You don’t need to prove loss or damage to receive a payout.
Easy Claims Process
There’s no extra paperwork and no need to wait on an adjuster; if the third-party data indicates your policy was triggered, you’ll get paid.
Don’t Just Protect It; Vortex Your Business Today.
The National Hurricane Center defines the hurricane season as June 1st through November 30th, but it’s never a bad time to secure hurricane insurance for your business.
You can get started in minutes by using our online insurance policy. There you’ll be able to build a policy that fits your needs and budget. There’s a 30-day waiting period after you purchase, so the sooner you select your policy the better.
Have questions about hurricane insurance coverage? Our team of professionals is standing by, ready to help you protect your bottom line.