weather insurance claim

How Does a Weather Insurance Claim Work? | Vortex Weather Insurance

Pen and check representing writing a weather insurance claim payment

It’s your event, and as luck would have it—the rain is coming down. It could be a drizzle, or it could be coming down in buckets. It might be falling during your event, or maybe it did the day before. 

If the rainfall amount triggers your Vortex Weather Insurance policy, we send you a check for your weather insurance claim. That’s it.

Our team of weather insurance professionals makes it easy for you to get a policy, and even easier for your weather insurance claim to support your event revenue when the rain is a pain in the pocketbook.

The Weather Insurance Claim Process

For your weather insurance policy at Vortex, you’ve calculated and chosen a rain threshold. That’s the amount of rain you think will impact your event’s ability to generate revenue.

You’ve also already selected the event location, and the amount of time (the “window”) you want the rain insurance policy to be in effect.

If recorded rainfall occurs at your location, during that window—and it hits or surpasses the threshold, your policy triggers. 

Related topic: the simple truth about rain insurance pricing.

How Do I Know If My Policy Triggered?

If an event had any rain on it or near it, we usually get an email from the event organizer. Our staff will answer quickly, checking our 3rd party weather data gathered from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)

Let’s walk through the weather insurance claim pathway.

Rain Occurs

Your Vortex Weather Insurance Policy drills down to your location using NOAA’s National Stage IV grid system. This extremely accurate data system lays down a grid of 2.5 mi-square boxes across the contiguous United States. 

Your event’s physical location will fall into one of these grid boxes, and that’s what we’ll use to target your event. If there is recorded rainfall within that 2.5 mi-square box, even if it doesn’t fall exactly on your event, the rainfall amount in that box will be measured and reported by NOAA.

We Receive an Automated NOAA Report

While we love hearing from our clients, they are not obligated to call us to report rainfall. We pull the precipitation recordings directly from the NOAA website, including rainfall amounts per hour. Even if there’s no rainfall within your 2.5 mi-square grid box, we still get the report to confirm any possible amounts.

Vortex Confirms the Data

The meteorologists from the Vortex staff analyze and confirm the data, then a Claims Specialist sends the report to our headquarters notifying them that the policy has triggered a claim.

Processing the Payment

Our headquarters processes the confirmation of payout,  cuts the check, and drops it in the mail.  

You Don’t Have to Lift a Finger

Your job putting on a great event is already hard enough. We make protecting your bottom line from wet weather as easy as possible. Our weather insurance claim payment process occurs without you needing to do anything.

That’s part of what makes this type of event insurance so useful, and so easy.  

  1. No paperwork. You don’t have to prove loss or hardship. Your event didn’t even have to be canceled or postponed. Our policies are based on the data, period.
  2. No adjusters. We don’t send anyone out to see your location or to decide how much you should get for payment. Your policy decides your payment, and the data indicates if the check will be cut.
  3. No payment delays. It takes a week for NOAA to post their finalized weather data. It only takes a few days for us to process it, so payment is typically mailed in less than 2 weeks. 

Again, this entire process happens on its own, automatically. You don’t have to do anything else to receive your weather insurance claim payment if your policy triggers.

Real Cases Where the Weather Insurance Claim Helped

When rain hurts your event revenue, it can damage more than just that single event’s income. It can affect future events by reducing (or eliminating) the available funds to do it all again. 

With rain insurance from Vortex, you can set the amount of payment made if the policy triggers, and you don’t have to insure the total value. This helps you protect the amount you need to be successful at this event, and possibly to secure the funds needed for your future events.

We’ve done exactly that for some wonderful clients.

Outdoor Concerts

Rain before or during an outdoor concert can not only stop the concert, it can stop the crowds from showing up if it falls before the concert, even if the show still goes on.

North Carolina

Vortex Weather Insurance has a great client in North Carolina who puts on a 10+ concert series over the summer. They have an amphitheater on-site, and that’s their event, or risk, location for their rain insurance policy. 

One year they received two claims, because two of the 10 concerts got rained on (one even got rained out). Our policies can’t stop the rain, but they might just save the day.


At another outdoor concert series, 2 of their Thursday night concerts had rain that triggered their policy. Those 2 claims helped them continue operations for yet another successful season in spite of the wet weather. One payment even helped cover one of the performer’s upfront costs, which can never be recouped otherwise.

Kansas City.

A huge baseball tournament was held here, with several play locations across the Kansas City metro. Rain came into this large area, and interestingly—the northern policy triggered. However, the policy covering the southern location didn’t trigger.  

Even though this baseball tournament’s northern policy triggered—the games weren’t canceled. Yet Vortex sent them their weather insurance claim check, because the policy isn’t based on loss. It’s based on the data.

Related topic: rain insurance vs event insurance.

Policy Information You’ll Need to Choose

The weather data comes from an independent third party source. However, your policy information for applying that data comes from you. As you set up your policy, we’ll need you to do 4 things:

Choose the Location

Using NOAA’s extremely accurate grid, we target a 2.5 mi-square box that includes your event’s location.

Keep in mind that the location may not be your headquarters or even in the city where you operate. It’s the location of the event itself.  If you have trouble discerning that location, we can help! An example is when a concert, or perhaps a motorsport event like a natural track for motorcycle racing, or a demolition derby, takes place in an area without a direct physical address.

If you have any concerns about choosing your event location, just contact us.

PinpointYour Time Window

You select the hours for the policy to apply. These hours can include your entire event or your event’s most profitable/important hours. You might also want to include some of the hours leading up to and after your event. The beauty of rain insurance is that you can customize the combination of hours that best fit your event goals.

Rain insurance won’t stop the rain. But if the rain thresholds are hit, the policy triggers and you get paid even if the event is eventually able to continue!

Decide Your Coverage Amount

If the worst of the worst happens—your event is completely rained out—how much money would you need to achieve your goals? You know your budgets and business forecasts, so you’ll know where the monetary threshold is between success and failure. Your weather insurance claim, if the policy triggers, can help you keep that bottom line from bottoming out.

It might even give you extra revenue you didn’t expect, because the policy could trigger even if your event goes on to be a roaring success. Remember, your rain insurance policy from Vortex Weather Insurance is only based on weather data.

Choose the Rain Threshold

As the event organizer, you have the most experience to understand what even a light rain could do to your event. So, you decide which rain threshold makes the most sense for your rain insurance policy. 

If you use our Vortex Weather Insurance Portal to purchase your policy, your choices include our most frequently selected rainfall thresholds:

  • .10 inches
  • .25 inches
  • .50 inches
  • 1 inch

You can contact us for other customized rain thresholds to suit your event. 

car splashing water in gutter to represent rainfall for weather insurance claim

How to Purchase a Vortex Rain Insurance Policy

There are 3 ways to purchase your Vortex policy so that you’ll be covered and ready if there’s a need for a weather insurance claim.

Use the Vortex Insurance Portal

If you’re reading this in your organization’s office as you plan for the event, or you’re in your jammies on a Saturday night doing a little extra research, you can still purchase your rain insurance right now!

Using your laptop, desktop, or notebook computer, the Vortex Weather Insurance Portal allows you to put together and purchase a policy any time day or night, anywhere you are. 

In just a few clicks, you can use this DIY event planning risk management tool to receive a customized weather insurance policy to fit your exact needs. That’s one more thing checked off your “to do” list, and one more reason to breathe easy if the weather decides not to cooperate.

Contact Us to Set Up Your Policy

Our staff has been supporting events with weather insurance policies since 2008. We can help you set up your policy for the right times, the right location, and help you think through the rainfall amount and coverage amount you’ll want to choose.

We created policies for racetracks and dirt tracks, art festivals and state fairs, golf events and soccer tournaments, and many others—including some truly unique events! Our knowledge includes the understanding about how rain can affect the hours before an event and after. 

Don’t just buy weather insurance; leverage our knowledge and let us help you choose exactly what you need for the best outcome in case of wet weather. 

Contact us. We’re there for you, rain or shine.

Have Your Insurance Broker/Agent Contact Vortex

If you already have an insurance broker or insurance agent handling your event’s various policies, we can work with them to add rain insurance to your portfolio. It’s a win-win-win for everyone involved. Best of all? You’re covered in case it rains!

A Weather Insurance Claim Should Be Simple

We’ve been doing this long enough to know that atmospheric science is complicated, but the weather insurance process should be easy.

  1. Pick your event location, your time window, your rain threshold, and your coverage amount. 
  2. Purchase your policy.
  3. Have your awesome event.
  4. If the rain threshold is met according to independent third party NOAA data, your policy triggers.
  5. You get a check.

And that’s it. Once you’ve purchased your policy, you don’t have to do anything else. We’re on it, watching, collecting data, and if the policy triggers—paying your weather insurance claim so you can feel a little sunshine on that rainy day.

Vortex Weather Insurance Protects Your Revenue 

Contact us with any questions about your weather insurance claim. We also invite you to request a quote. It’s free, easy, and ready when you are. 

Signing up for an account on the Vortex Weather Insurance Portal is also free. It makes weather risk management fast, simple, and super-convenient—for organizations, event planners, and even insurance brokers.

You’ve got enough on your plate. Let us worry about the weather. VortexIt today!